Friday, July 27, 2012

Well, I got a job.

I should be less pissed off, but I'm not. Just one of those amazingly cranky days. Honestly, I'm shocked the interviewer didn't pick up on it and pitch my ass out of the door. Instead, she offered me a job on the spot. It's just a call center, though; tech support for some bank's website. Barely pays enough to cover my monthly bills. But it's better than nothing. And it doesn't start for three weeks, so maybe something better will come through before then.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Not good enough for Red Lobster.

Yep, I got the kiss off e-mail this morning. WTF, man? How with completely open availability and 11 fucking years of serving experience am I having trouble getting a goddamn restaurant job?

(Yes, I am feeling sorry for myself today. :) Just a bit.)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Waiting ....

Well, hopefully early this week I'll hear from the two places I interviewed with, calling me back for second interviews. I'm not terribly hopeful about either, possibly just because I'm pessimistic!

The restaurant actually seems like it would be a fairly awesome place to work for. The GM interviewed me and he seemed very fair and level-headed, personable, and generally a good guy. The restaurant is clean and in good repair, at least the front of house. The menu is a little intimidating to me, since I couldn't tell you the difference between a halibut and a snapper if they both bit me on the ass. I recognize salmon because it's pink and that's about it. It was difficult enough recommending things at the old place where I'd tried most of it. But I guess I'd learn. And be eating a lot of salad and chicken!

Speaking of the old place, I met a friend for dinner and bingo there tonight. As usual everyone wanted to know when I was coming back, regular customers and staff alike. I just said I wasn't needed right now; no point in talking behind CL's back. I did hear that she's had multiple interviews for whatever this new job is, so people think she'll be gone soon. I really think she'll just end up being offered a raise and staying right where she's been for ten+ years -- because I think she knows she would fall flat on her ass doing anything else.

Oh well. Time will tell, about everything!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Maybe I'm a terrible person ....

But I can't help but snicker at something.

Just before I quit my job, we were overloaded with calls about us dropped a particular network from our line-up. People were pissed the fuck off about it. Actually, we'd dropped three channels belonging to the same company, but most people didn't give a damn about two of them. Most people only cared about the one that shows particular original series: AMC. They were pissed off about Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead or whatever.

And oh my god, were they pissed off about it. Watching the episodes online wasn't good enough. Watching them on their tv through something like a PS3 wasn't good enough even if we covered the cost. I don't know how many customers they actually lost because of it, but there were some people who left in a pissed-off snit and went over to one of our competitors, usually the main one.

Now, I understand. If they had dropped FX back when Nip/Tuck was still on the air, I would've been pissed and maybe left too. But I wouldn't have been nasty about it and called the person answer the phone nasty names. And what really amused me was the people asserting things like "everybody in America is going to leave your company because of this! This channel has the best shows ever! You're all so stupid! You're not going to be around much longer because of this!" Seriously, the people who left over this were absolutely certain that the company was going to go belly-up over this issue. Oh - or they would insist that we were violating their contract and they didn't have to pay the termination fee, because we didn't have a channel they wanted. Riiiiight.

Anyway, as I said, a lot of people went out to the other big company that was our direct competition. And it makes me laugh now to think how furious those people probably are now ... because that company just dropped 26 channels. And they're popular ones, too. I'm pretty sure that some of the people screaming about the meth dealer show have kids who might want to watch Nickelodeon. Or they themselves might want to watch South Park. Or maybe BET, Spike, CMT, etc. And they're not lowering the price on the packages including those channels either.

So to all the people who screamed at me about AMC, who called me a bitch or lazy or uncaring, the people who said I was working for a crooked company and ought to be ashamed of myself: HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR NEW TELEVISION SERVICE, BITCHES! :D

And another!

This morning's interview went pretty well. I think. The recruiter seemed impressed with me, at least. He said he's definitely going to set me up with a second interview with the actual company, so there's still another hoop to just through, so we'll see what happens. On the plus side, it's a decently-paying hourly wage job, and it's much closer to home than the last one. Once you subtract fuel to get to the last job, I'd be making about the same, actually. So still kind of tight, but at least closer. On the negative side, it'd probably be just an inflexible time-wise as the last one, it'd be 40 hours a week sitting on my ever-expanding ass, there would be the same problems regarding not being able to really connect with my coworkers, and I'd be talking to idiots all the time.

When I got home, I had an e-mail saying to call a local branch of a chain restaurant for an interview, so I have that tomorrow afternoon. On the plus side, it's five minutes from my house, would have the flexibility of serving, it would have the benefit of built-in exercise and social activity, and is a place I'd probably make decent tips. On the negative side, I fucking hate the stench of seafood, their uniforms are long-sleeved (at least I think) and I'd boil to death, and it's serving again! Oh, one other positive - restaurant stories are just much better for blogging!

I probably shouldn't worry, because I probably won't get offered either. That'd be my luck!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hooray for interviews.

We'll see if this one is any better than the last! I'm not terribly keen on doing call center stuff again, but for the same pay rate once you subtract massive amounts of fuel, and less than half the drive ... well, I think I can cope with it. I've still got a bunch of applications out to other places too. Wish me luck!

And just because I'm obsessed with it today, here's a song.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chicken Little is still a bitch, and personal crap.

I went to talk to her about the possibility of getting my job back - yes, I know, insanity. But it would've nice to just pick up something familiar. Anyway, I'm not going to relay the entire conversation, but what she told me was that I'd never work there again as long as she was there. She also admitted she quit scheduling me until I quit. I'm not surprised she's still a bitch. I am surprised she was honest, though. I'm also pondering emailing a photo of her to corporate - the photo shows her out at a bar with employees.

I've had no luck yet finding a new job, possibly because I got exceedingly depressed and didn't apply for any for a week. Oops. And the "interview" I wrote about in my last post was the only one I got. Finally applied for twelve yesterday and eight so far today. I love corporations that own multiple restaurants and whose websites are smart enough to allow you to apply for multiple jobs at once. I'm less fond of ones that don't even freaking do online applications (I'm looking at you, Brinker).

Time for the personal, because my friends are probably tired of hearing it and I can't afford therapy. It's a bunch of whining, I just need to get it out.

Been having a hard time lately though. I was sort of doing okay until the entire world went and got into relationships. One of my best friends got engaged, and another one is in love, and another one moved in her with boyfriend, and another one has met some guys she likes ... and the guy I'm in love with hasn't spoken to me in more than a month. Before all that, I missed him, and I was sad, but I was holding on. I was sort of moving on. I'd had a couple of sexual encounters, at least (threesomes with married couples are fun). I felt like I was making progress. Then everyone around me got all googly-eyed and I realized I was insanely jealous, because the people they love? Love them back. Mine doesn't. He doesn't even care enough to answer a text.

And I can just about hear all my readers saying things along the lines of he doesn't deserve me, I'm awesome and he should have realized it, it's not my fault, I'll find someone else, etc. etc. Thank you. I know. But it doesn't change the fact that this is only the second time I've been in love ... and I fucking hope it's the last, because fucking hell. This is awful. I dream about him almost every night. I'm reminded of him constantly by silly things. Going to the town I used to live in, or the town my old restaurant is in, sends my blood pressure through the roof because he lives halfway between them. I hadn't really thought about it before because I was never over there, I was always at work fifty miles south or at home -- but if I were to run in to him I think I'd totally freak. 

I know that this is all normal, that everybody goes through this sometimes. I don't think it's unique at all. It's just unique to me, because the slow and painful degrading of my first relationship was utterly different. I've never quite gone through this before, and I hate it, and I hate the fact that I can't seem to get over him.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First impressions.

I had an interview at a new restaurant today, and I wasn't very impressed. Oh, the place was nice enough. It's a locally-owned place, kind of a country feel to it. Looked like it'd be fun and comfortable to work at. What didn't impress me was the fact that I showed up at 3:10 for my 3:25 interview, and sat until 3:45. At that point a server, not even an owner or manager, talked to me for less than five minutes. She asked where I had worked, what I would "bring to the team", and if I had any questions for her.

And that was it. Of course, none of the eight other people waiting around for interviews appeared to warrant any more time. And she said they'd be doing call backs on Thursday - not for a second interview, but for hiring. If that's their usual hiring process, I can't imagine what their turnover rate is.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Good decisions.

When I finally went to bed last night, or rather last dawn, something amazing happened. I slept. For an entire seven hours, I slept. I didn't wake up once. I can't even remember when that last happened. When my alarm went off I thought it couldn't possibly be that late, because I hadn't woken up six times before that. It was kind of amazing.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Well, so much for that.

As of about twelve hours ago, I don't have a job. After yet another car problem that resulted in my mother having to get up and rescue me from the side of the highway in the middle of the night -- the last one I posted about turned out to be blown head gasket, this was something else, and yet another bout of aggravating, irritating changes that made my job harder, and after getting reprimanded for "yelling" at a customer (I was trying to talk over him because he was hollering and swearing, I said "please stop yelling sir") .... I just decided it isn't worth it. Maybe I should have held on until I found something else, but I was a nervous wreck. My mental health isn't worth it.