This is what I hate about corporate restaurants: Oh who am I kidding, there's a lot to hate. But one of things is the fact that pencil-pushing douchebags with no actually experience make decisions that fuck my up life. Usually it's just in little ways, but those little ways add up.
This time, they've decided that we're going to switch to actual glasses for all our drinks, rather than the plastic tumblers we've used for the entire time the chain has been open. So now, instead of night lightweight plastic that weighed maybe two ounces empty, we're using these big heavy damned glasses. They're several inches taller, and narrower at the bottom than the top--so you can imagine how stable they are on trays--and fucking hell, are they heavy. Empty, they weigh more than a full plastic tumbler. Yeah, I guess they look better, but they also don't hold a chill very well, and I'd rather have cold liquid!
And, of course, they've switched us to these just in time for the patio to open. I anticipate many, many, many a broken glass as servers trying to bump open the patio door lose their grip on trays.
I know that this seems like such a small, pesky thing to be upset about--but Jesus H. Christ on a motherfucking cracker, why can't they just leave things alone?
No, this is a silly thing to be cranky about - you have a point - carry plastic cups with liquid is a whole other ballgame than then the glasses. The weight alone will take a day or two to learn to balance, etc.
You will have no problem, believe me - as for holding a chill - I think that is equal - glasses just seem to sweat more [rings, need coasters or napkins more, argh!]
You will do fine - but I suspect they are doing this to cut costs - well welcome to their water bill and replacement costs when these babies get broken - and they do.
Just make sure you use a scoop - nothing like having to clean out an entire ice machine because one nimrod scooped a glass into the ice and broke it!
SORRY I meant this is NOT a silly thing to be upset about - You are totally justified. sorry.
Just wait until you have to melt down your ice container in the middle of The Biggest Rush You've Seen In A While.
Or, wait til someone does like I did - try to take too many dish trays back to restock, drop them all, and cut themselves on top of it! Put that in the middle of lunch rush... oh yeah, that was a fun shift. (I still hold the record of 32 broken glasses at the same time.)
SkippyMom, I've already seen several nimrods not using a scoop. I am NOT melting down the ice bin when one of those jackasses breaks a glass!
Dragonfly, that is a mighty impressive record. :)
You know you are one of my favorite bloggers and I typically agree with you, but I am going to have to disagree this time. Plastic cups shout "cheap." Glass will actually look better longer, keep drinks cooler, and not alter the flavor of the drink as much. Change stinks, but over time you may grow to like this one. It will also improve guest perception. I would also be willing to bet that if they are going through the cost of switching all of them out it will soon be accompanied by a price increase to offset their cost.
I personally hate plastic cups as a guest. I avoid certain chains in town where they use them. My own little neurosis. As a server, weight means stability. The more weight something has the less likely it is to tip or be blown over.
David, if you read my blog regular then you should know I don't give a flying rat's ass about "guest perception". ;) Just kidding! I know they look better, that's fine. I just wish they'd've chosen more practical glasses. Not so much wider at the top, etc. As you say, this change may end up being good and I'll adjust--it's just aggravating. :)
there will be breakage.
Oh, there HAS been breakage--and these things freaking SHATTER all over the place! Glass all over the place, it's going to end up in somebody's food one of these days...
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