Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank you for testing my menu knowledge!

My very first table tonight was a couple with their son. They looked vaguely familiar, but half the people who come in do, so I didn't think much of it. They asked to try a couple of our wines, so I got them a few sips of each. They didn't like them; the man decided he wanted a rum and Dr Pepper, but the woman still didn't know what she wanted. After another ten minutes, she decided she didn't want anything "right now". She never did end up getting anything to drink, not even water.

Ten minutes later, she still didn't know what she wanted for dinner either. Five minutes after that, nothing. Five minutes after that came the quiz. I spent several minutes going over all the steaks, answering stupid questions like "how big is the 9 ounce steak", explaining all the sides, etc. etc. Five minutves later, no decision. They arrived at 5:30; at 6:05 they finally ordered. At 7:20 they left, and left behind a whole $4.

The thickly bearded men next to them lingered as well; so did the nuclear family on the other side. They finally moved when the dinner rush was over; I was a second cut, was there until 10, and had a whole eight tables.



Steven Nicolle said...

I think Rum and Dr.Pepper just about says it all.

The Veteran Server said...

Rum and Dr Pepper? Ewww!!! Lol!

Blair said...

I hate people! How did you get those updates on the side of your blog about all the other blogs?

purplegirl said...

Yeah, I'd never heard of rum and Dr Pepper before! And I thought tequila and Mountain Dew was bad ...

Blair, I'm not sure if your blog is on blogspot, since the url is stuckserving.com. If it is, go to your layout, and on your layout select "add gadget". There's one that specifically says Blogroll. With that gadget, you can select if it lists just the title, the post, when it was updated, etc. Then you just add each URL, and it'll keep the blogroll updated.