Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And they seemed like such nice, normal people!

Last week I had a table of two that was really pleasant to wait on. They didn't ask for much, said please and thank you, and generally were just not a pain in my ass. As they left (without camping!), the woman told me I'd been a great server. Nice to hear, of course, but right away I thought I was getting the verbal tip.

I was starting to get really annoyed when I saw she'd left one of those annoying "God bills" on her side of the table--I thought for sure I'd been stiffed. When I opened the book, though, I had an $8 tip on their $30 bill! I was pleasantly surprised. I also laughed--apparently they didn't communicate about their attempts to recruit for the lord, because he'd put a similar one in the book as well!

Maybe something about me just screams "HEATHEN"!


Little FAT Me said...

Huh? That's a new one.

Aunty Pol said...

Welcome Sistah Heathen....ROTF..Oh that sounds like something I would say..You've read my blog enough to know that !


Steven Nicolle said...

You heathen you!

teleburst said...

Well, gotta admit that they're smarter than the average proselytizer. If you're going to do it, you should at least grease, right? Otherwise, it's like going to the Congo and torching a villiage if they don't convert.

dirtydisher said...

What in the hell is a god bill? I think I'm pissed off and I'm not even sure what it is.

purplegirl said...

Glad I have some good heathen company, AP. :)

Dirtydisher, "god bills" are those damn stupid things that at a casual glance look like money, but then have a Bible verse, or the Ten Commandments, or something else like that on the back.

These particular ones were from http://www.livingwaters.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=8&Itemid=199&lang=en -- they call them "tracts". "bullshit annoying cheapass pieces of offending paper" was too long.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

maybe they read your blog :D

purplegirl said...

LOL I'd love it if a customer of mine actually read my blog! ... as long as I couldn't prove to management that it was me! :D

dirtydisher said...

I would have never let anyone get away with leaving me a GD god bill, I'll tell you what..I'm so pissed off now my head hurts. Who they hell do these tards think they are?

purplegirl said...

Oh, those particular people were okay--they left a real tip, after all! When my blood starts boiling and I start thinking about sacrificing goats is when some bible-beating bitches leave me NOTHING but a god bill!