Monday, September 30, 2013

I have really lucked out this time.

Ya'll, I may have found the perfect job. I don't want to jinx myself, but I'm five weeks in and so far I'm still digging it. When I first saw the ad on Craiglist, I literally snorted and moved on. I figured it wouldn't be much money and it would have a long, long learning curve because I had never even set foot in the town it was in.

Then I saw it again the following week, and the week after that, and the week after that (which was when I wrote my last post). Meanwhile, there was a depressing lack of response coming in to any of my applications or resumes. So I went ahead and sent my resume in.

Oh wait, no I didn't. I fucked around for another week and still didn't send it in. Eventually I emailed it in, figuring it would just be another example of a wasted email. But I actually got a response right away, had an interview a couple of days later, and started work the next week. And that, my friends, is how I became a pizza girl.

The main thing I was worried about was not knowing the area, but it's a small town and the computer prints out directions for every order. Then I wasn't sure if it'd be worth it because of the price of gas - but for every order I get a mileage amount, paid nightly, and it's more than enough. I was also concerned that it would all be tipped employee wage like serving is, but it's not. I get minimum when I'm in the store, and tipped wage when I'm on the road. I wasn't thrilled about being in a corporate food environment again, because it always pissed me off to have people telling me what color my hair could be and checking to see if my socks were the right color. But when I got to the interview, the manager had piercings in her face.

I don't have to make pizzas, although I do box them sometimes. I take orders occasionally. Mostly, though, I just stand around talking typical restaurant smack with the other pizza bitches, until it's my turn to deliver. I spend a lot of time in my car, but I've always liked to drive and as long as I've got my music I'm happy. I interact with the customer for an average of a minute, collect payment and my tip, and head back. It's kind of ridiculously easy. I'm sure in the winter it'll suck a bit more, what with the cold and the snow, but I'm not too worried.

There are some other benefits too - there's a iPod charger in the front of the store for anyone to use, and nobody bitches if you're playing Candy Crush or whatever when it's slow. I don't have to claim my all my tips - the computer doesn't care and neither does the manager. And oh yeah - no sidework unless I'm late driver or closer, which is almost never!

And honestly, it's just such a relief to be able to go the store and get food, or a new pair of sneakers, or whatever I need, without worrying that it's coming out of my rent! So far, the only downside is that it's really amped up my dislike and boredom at my full-time job. It's been building for a while, but the contrast between jobs has really increased my dissatisfaction with it. I know in my last post I was talking about enjoying being a cubicle monkey, and sometimes I still do, but I just am not built for that kind of thing long-term.

BTW, I'm already totally sick of pizza.


SkippyMom said...

Always such a treat when you pop up. Glad you found such an awesome second job. Pooldad hoofed pizzas for a few years before we married and he liked it a lot except for the sketch neighborhoods - but you don't seem to have those - you know the ones - the pockets of section 8 housing where they don't tip and you may get shot? Well, at least I HOPE you don't. :)

Have fun. Sounds like a cool job. And it's good you are sick of pizza. If I didn't get tired of it after working around it I would weigh 300 lbs. hee

Joe Sixtop said...

I LOVED my time at Domino's Pizza (which you didn't say which yours is but that was really mine) almost 20 years ago. Lunches in a real restaurant during day and pizza driver at nite! Please remember that you REALLY NEED to keep an eye on your car's mileage for oil changes AND you can expect to need some brake work soon. Also, if you know a mechanic that's cool, you can get then to write you up a "dr's note" for your whip if you ever need a shift off! And if Skippy knows where I slung MY pies, I hope she won't say but MY hometown could give Pooldad some section 8 and public housing and sketchy neighborhood competition! :)

JoeinVegas said...

Double pepperoni please!

So no way to change the day job? That is the one that would be awesome for you to move away from.

Anonymous said...

This kind of sucks, because this is such a happy post, but I feel I must share my knowledge as readily as you share your experiences.
You need to read your auto insurance contract. Many insurance companies (not all) will not cover a vehicle used for pizza delivery on a personal auto policy. That means if you have an accident, even while not on a delivery, your claim could be denied.
You'll want to check the definitions section then check each section under the heading " Losses Not Covered".

Again, sorry to toss something at you that might put a damper on your new gig, but I would hate to read a post about you going broke because of an accident.

Anita Baffoni said...

Having a phone charger for the staff to use? That is unheard of where I have worked. Follow my blog, I loved reading your posts :)