Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Near disclosure.

I was ranting briefly about something at work last night, and the bartender laughed and told me I should write a book about restaurant life. For a long, long moment I thought about telling her about this blog--she's a friend, not just a coworker. But she's also friends with a lot of the people I talk about, and in the end I couldn't risk it. Hiding gets tiring sometimes; like when a fellow blogger writes something I like to share, but I'm afraid they'll follow links and end up here. Almost anyone I work with would recognize me instantly, after all.

The last couple of shifts have been quiet and decent. Scored a quick $50 on Monday (three hour shift), $70 last night on a dead still close, followed by a nightcap with Anna and Bitter Divorced Man (!). It was nearly two when I got home, but it was a nice end to the evening.


BB said...

Yeah, I've only shared mine with people who do not live anywhere near me (old friends I want to keep in touch with.. actually one old friend is all I've showed it to), my former roommate and former co-worker.. but I told her everything I put on my blog anyway, and a few family members. But really that's sometimes even too much. I hate having to think if I will offend anyone...

SkippyMom said...

I have the typical Mom blog [not too boring I hope] but I won't share it with my family [mom, sister, brother] because they are too dysfunctional [and fun to talk about] and I am waaay too honest sometimes. So I don't blame you either.

Sounds like a fun night. I want a nightcap too!

JumpIt said...

I hide it, too, especially since I'm facebook friends with a ton of coworkers and managers. I don't advertise or do say a peep about my blog just in case, and I'm the same way about links and such.

nativenapkin said...

I made the decision to "come out" a while back, and while I still write my blog with my screen name most anyone who works anywhere near me can figure out who I am and where I work. And SkippyMom is right, it cuts down on the available material exponentially, as it is always SO-O-O-O tempting to just blast someone who has been an idiot and deserves it.

But it has also forced me to expand topics to things not specific to me or our restaurant (indeed, I avoid that topic almost entirely), but more to the industry or just my day to day.

I like your blog. And you seem to be more fun that cranky.

Pademelon said...

It's an understandable choice. While ideally you should be able to share your blog with a friend, it'd never stay there. Others would find out and then this whole thing would probably be far less cathartic. Instead of "Now writing about whatever I want," your blog motto would become "Now writing in vague terms about the things that won't piss or offend anyone who talks to anyone I work with so no one makes my life hell." It doesn't quite have the same ring! Glad to read you've had some decent shifts!

Steven Nicolle said...

Nice cash. One person knows of it at work and that is it and he hardly reads it. But I am careful not to mention anything much at work about others'. You know at work I could probably write down for people to check it out and they never would.

purplegirl said...

BB, there are two people I know in person who know about this blog. One probably has forgotten it existed; one is my ex, who lives in a different country. I could never tell my family though--no so much because of this one, but because of the other!

JumpIt, sounds like we take the same precautions!

NativeNapkin, you're braver than me. If I ever tell anyone about this, it'll be long after I'm done with the business! :)

Steph, you're right about a new blog motto--I think I'll stick with my current one! :)

Waiter E, sometimes it's nice to not have people snooping!

purplegirl said...

Oh, and SkippyMom, that's why I don't talk about my blog with my family either--I need somewhere I can be utterly transparent about my family, and I'm not willing to risk losing that! :)

Waitress Diary said...

I have one friend who has read it. But, I do take precautions. I never write where I'm at specifically or use anybodys real names. I never say the name of where I work or any restaurants I work in. Not that you could't figure it out, but I don't think I can get in to much trouble. It would suck if everybody I wrote about found out about my blog. Old Dog for example would put a crimp in it. As well as Pantry Bitch, Drunky, Blondy and Baby Face.. anonymity is important.

purplegirl said...

I've mentioned a generic chain I used to work for, but otherwise I keep my mouth shut on that front. I'm pretty sure I'd get fired if it were found by CL or Lapdog!