Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Courtesy of Regretsy.

This post with the explanation is here, but basically Regretsy's Great And Terrible Webmaster asked for people to send her "facts" to confuse idiots with. This one might be my favorite.


SkippyMom said...

Those were great! Thanks for sharing.

DMT said...

Had a good laugh at that. Man that guy is a total gobshite I wonder if he's related to the eejit that divorced his wife because she couldn't produce a son.

I remember watching it on tv. No amount of explaining could get the fact through his thick skull that sperm decides the sex of the child as women only have X chromosomes and at the end of it all its all down to random chance. "There aint nothing wrong with me GODDAMN IT! Its her that's defective!"

karlamanatee said...

I just wanted to say...

I'm glad you got out. I'm glad you are getting inked. I'm glad you're a Regretsy fan. Now I can only hope for more good things to come your way. :)

mary said...

Where's the dang "post??" There's nothing to read about here!! What's the damn "deal" and what's "going on??"