Monday, November 14, 2011

Yet more bullshit.

Work Wife and I are kind of on the outs now because she basically told me I deserved what I got on Friday because she heard about "the things" I was saying and they weren't cool. Now, I don't care if people say bad things about me as long as they're true. Am I temperamental, judgmental, crude, and often negative? Absofuckinglutely. Do I say negative things about veterans and active military, particularly on Veterans' Day? Absofuckinglutely not. And that's what somebody told Wife -- and maybe CL, for all I know. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why do they make shit up?

Incidentally, I re-scheduled one of the interviews I had to cancel last week because of being so sick. So maybe I'll be able to escape soon.


B said...

If this gal is more willing to believe gossip and bullshit over you, fuck her. (excuse my french).

Clearly she likes to engage in petty behavior from time to time. Not a good trait for a so-called friend or work wife.

Pickleope said...

Ugh, office/restaurant politics are gross. People lying to steal good shifts from you (my theory), general bullshittery, why can't people just do their job and stay away from being dickbags?
Hopefully you escape.

Caveman said...

Hi. Great blog. I added you to my blogroll at me site...Tales From A Bar. I am wondering if you can do the same for me. Thanks...Caveman

Anonymous said...

When someone is willing to accept grapevine stories before asking you what your side is, you might want to reconsider your relationship with that person. A good relationship is built through trust, and Work Wife obviously didn't trust you enough to ask you about it before believing what she heard.

I hope you can find another place that will work out better for you. Again, I highly recommend Schmarden companies. They at least seem to give a damn about who they hire to manage their stores, and take harassment very seriously.

Let us know how the interviews go. Happy thoughts!

purplegirl said...

Thanks guys. I haven't talked to Wife yet - it was over text and she stopped answering - so I'm reserving judgment on her until I know exactly what she heard and from whom. Working on getting the hell out, too! Hopefully I'll have some good news to report soon.

Squishy said...

I just wanted to let FMT know that not all Schmardens are run well. The one I just happily departed for school had a great GM backed up by the 3 worst people on the face of this Earth. Schmarden is okay but there's a lot of BS especially on the Endless promotions. You thought shrimp was bad? At least it was 15.99. Try PB for 8.95 for two months and we will talk. I can make money on PB but some can't. I hope PG finds something knew soon tho. BS can only be BS for so long...

Mary said...

If you're so dang tempermental, judgmental, etc... why are you even working in a people-oriented business! Someone with your damn "attitude" needs to work at a place that DOESN'T service customers!!!