Sunday, July 22, 2012

Waiting ....

Well, hopefully early this week I'll hear from the two places I interviewed with, calling me back for second interviews. I'm not terribly hopeful about either, possibly just because I'm pessimistic!

The restaurant actually seems like it would be a fairly awesome place to work for. The GM interviewed me and he seemed very fair and level-headed, personable, and generally a good guy. The restaurant is clean and in good repair, at least the front of house. The menu is a little intimidating to me, since I couldn't tell you the difference between a halibut and a snapper if they both bit me on the ass. I recognize salmon because it's pink and that's about it. It was difficult enough recommending things at the old place where I'd tried most of it. But I guess I'd learn. And be eating a lot of salad and chicken!

Speaking of the old place, I met a friend for dinner and bingo there tonight. As usual everyone wanted to know when I was coming back, regular customers and staff alike. I just said I wasn't needed right now; no point in talking behind CL's back. I did hear that she's had multiple interviews for whatever this new job is, so people think she'll be gone soon. I really think she'll just end up being offered a raise and staying right where she's been for ten+ years -- because I think she knows she would fall flat on her ass doing anything else.

Oh well. Time will tell, about everything!


DMT said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I'm in the same boat, after 6 of looking months of trying I finally have an interview for an internship in the field of work I want to be doing. I hope it goes well whatever experience I pick up will be invaluable on my resume.

DMT said...

note to self:- don't walk off to make tea in the middle of typing a message :/

Emmy said...

By some miracle of god, I managed to get hired back to my serving job this year after being told by the GM that she never wanted to see me in "her" restaurant again.... but that was only because the restaurant got a new GM, and all the servers liked me, so they backed me up. There is justice in the world. But since Chicken Little is still at your restaurant, I'd go for a new place if you can.

SkippyMom said...

Snapper is a white fish with red skin, [usually cooked on] so you shouldn't have a problem differentiating. Like you really need to know that, but I am sitting here imagining blacken snapper and drooling because it is one thing I can't have anymore. sigh....

Anyhoodle - Very excited for you and will keep my fingers crossed. You can bet if the FOH is tidy / clean then that BOH is tenfold. At least that is what I have found working in da' biz. I hope you get whichever job you most want and are happy with all aspects. :) Good luck.

SkippyMom said...

*blackened - apparently being denied it I have also failed to continue to spell it correctly. hee

JoeinVegas said...

Back to serving - hope it works out

Anonymous said...

I didn't know anything about seafood when I started either. They give you a crash course as part of your training. If you're like me, you'll also try as much as you can so you can be descriptive to your customers. If all else fails, BC provides you with "key words" to describe things in case you can't eat or don't like whatever you're describing. You'll be fine. Hope you get it!