She has three tattoos; now I've got nothing against tattoos, I got my first one last week. But having an ex-girlfriend's name as a big, scrawling, cursive tramp-stamp? Okay, anyone can make a mistake and get a stupid tattoo. But then she's also got a different girl's name tattooed on her hand. And her own name on her arm. I've never understood that. Why would you get your own name tattooed on you? Do these people frequently forget who they are or something?
She yells at people across the restaurant when they're talking to customers; she interrupts and just yells over peoples' conversations. Everybody is "homeslice" or "homegirl"; and she never shuts the hell up about her "baby daddy". Speaking of which, she had to have DNA tests to find out which of the two brothers she slept with was the kid's dad. She slept with the second one to get back at the first for not calling her.
I've never met anyone so loud and obnoxious--or with less sense. Tonight, for example, she was giving someone grief. That someone told her to respect her elders. "What elders?" she hollered in her best ghetto accent. (Does Texas even have ghettos? I don't know.)
I snorted and pointed out that almost everybody who works there is older than her, which is when she crossed the line. "Yeah, and ya'll are still just waitresses, so fuck ya'll!" She flounced away then and the rest of us stood there in somewhat shock. You just don't say that kind of shit to people! Not in that judgmental tone, because that is a soft spot for most of us, I think. Is anyone not a little defensive to that whole "when are you going to get a real job" crap?
Now that I think about it, that one comment pretty much sums up her personality.
Yes dear, we have quite a selection of ghettos here in Texas.
over HERE [hear was my attempt at ghetto btw. oops]
I am laughing my a** off over hear. What a piece of work - the tatoo thing just puts her over the top - and does she actually believe she is going to move UP one day? No offense to waitressing you know I did it for 7 years and I would still be one if I hadn't had a family - it is incredibly respectful job - but really? She is dissing her own job? Actually I smell welfare in her future.
And is that an actual pic of her? Because I HATE white people that act ghetto - they never succeed at it [really WHY do they try] - comepletely ridiculous. Nice baby daddy stories too. LOL.
I think I've worked with her Granma. Fifty or sixty something, bleached white hair so short you can see her scalp. This woman literally HISSES at people who sit at dirty tables, and the owner thinks sh's the bees knees. Go figure.
Ghettos in Texas, duly noted. :)
SkippyMom, I'd be surprised if you don't smell welfare in her present, actually. Or drug money. She spends way too much money on things for someone who's supporting herself, her son, and her deadbeat baby daddy.
That's not an actual picture, just to illustrate the hairstyle. :)
Grandma, hell; might be her mom. :)
She is absolutely freakin' gross!! That hairstyle went out in the 70's with Bo Derek who by the way was beautiful.
Yeah...we have ghetto's down here in Texas..in Houston they are referred to as Wards...
JEEBUS H..she'd give Lot Lizards a bad name
Hope you're feeling better hon.
You've made my day. I have serious issues with corn rows on white girls, or guys for that matter. It's fantastic that you have the time to throw away on that, and the money to pay someone to do it (or a cousin/friend that will do it for free) but please, have some pity on me and my eyes and spare me your fly always and scalp. I feel bad for their friends when I have to serve them, how can you maintain your appetite with such a display of skin?
Ghettos in Texas? Oh hell yes! From your description of her words and language, I assumed she was not a white girl. Uggh! Sounds like ghetto trash. What do the bosses think of her behavior? I read your musings every time you post and I've wondered where you've been lately. DO NOT let this skank get you down. You've got it in you to knock her down a few notches.....handle it!! You can do it!
Waiter E, you're so right about Bo Derek! :)
AP, I'm nearly back to 100%. I think tomorrow I'll be back at it!
Hi Free! I'm adding you to my blogroll. I have issues with cornrows on anybody, white or otherwise--I just don't think it's cool. Especially not after the first couple of days when they haven't washed their hair and their scalp is getting all oily ... blech!
Anonymous, I think she's confused as to if she's a white girl or not. :) She doesn't act that way around the managers, believe me--I asked CL flat-out the other day if she annoys them as much as the rest of us! :) I've been crazy busy with school lately, so thanks for coming back. :)
Had to leave this comment as I chuckle at the irony of me ending up on this blog. I did a Google image search for side-swept cornrow hairtstyles and the image on your blog was in the results ;-) I took a moment to read a couple of your posts. Not really my type of humor but hey...you clearly have a following so as many in the "ghetto" say...Do you!
FTR, I don't typically like cornrows on "whites." (BTW, cornrows originated in Africa, not the movie "10" starring Bo Derek as many uninformed believe.) However, I have to admit I think this chic's hair looks good.
Thank you for giving this "black" woman a peek into what some "whites" really think about "black" hairstyles. In case you're wondering, I don't really find your comments offensive. Just making an observation. I guess its about as fair as a "black" person saying that "white" people with wet hair smell like dogs. Alrighty, back to hunting for inspiration for my next fabulous cornrowed hairstyle.
I tried very hard not to make any racial statements; I mentioned her acting ghetto only because she seems to go out of her way to do so. My dislike of her hair is not about it being a traditionally black hairstyle, as you pointed out it is. I just think scalps look mushy and dingy and gross. However, if anything about the way I stated it offended you, I apologize.
She sounds like a real doozie.
so what if she's ghetto, she's fine!
That's not her. That's a picture off the Internet to show the hairstyle.
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