Sunday, January 5, 2014

No, YOU have got to be kidding ME.

"Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me! You say that the boss allows and condones waiters to downsize the bills by 10 percent and then gives the money to the waiter as cash? That is entirely illegal and against IRS regs. I'm reporting you now!"

(From this post)

Yeah, I'd love to see that report ....

"Dear IRS, an anonymous blogger somewhere in the US claims that the restaurant she worked at two years ago occasionally discounted customer bills so a server would get a tip. Go get them!"


Anonymous said...

As I am a fucking moron, this sounds completely illegal...

SkippyMom said...

I have missed you - and this post made me laugh so hard.

These are stories on the internet, posted by anonymous people and as such, I would love to see this try and get reported.

Ooooooh Purplegurrrrrrl you be in troublezzz. giggle

And for the tools that think this illegal - think about it for a minute - the restaurant is losing their OWN money by discounting a check, and although the IRS loses the pennies on the item that was removed - the waiter STILL pays taxes on a tip. A tip on sales they would've been penalized for due to their sales receipts for the day [we are taxed automatically on how much we sell, regardless if we get stiffed and this happens so often] so - tell me HOW illegal this is. The IRS gets their due no matter what.

Love you sweetie. And I am still laughing. I wish Anons had the balls their 27 year old bodies that are slouched in Momma's basement, were born with to actually use a name.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a moral problem with this but you should know that this is actually embezzlement, and the crime isn't against the customer but rather the company you work for...your boss should be careful as corporations have no problem filing charges on this particular issue...but that boss also sounds like he actually gives a damn about his employees...which makes me super jealous.

Anonymous said...

PS: I forgot to mention this, even if your boss is the full owner of the business...he can still be charged with embezzlement. Once again though, not judging and I have no moral qualms about this just information is useful sometimes.